Python Image Processing on Azure Databricks – Part 2, Image Search API

Use Azure Cognitive Services Bing Search to enable dynamic image capture from the web in Part 2 of this blog series – Image Processing on Azure Databricks.

In Part 1 of Image Processing on Azure Databricks we looked at using OpenCV to SSIM compare two images stored in an Azure Storage Account. Here in Part 2 we are going to start making this process less static by introducing Azure Cognitive Services to help find images on the web to compare our base image(s) against. In part 3 we will then utilize Azure Cognitive Services to retrieve text from the images.

Part 1 guides you through setting-up your first cluster in Azure Databricks; if you don’t have an Azure Databricks cluster running please check out Part 1.

Getting Started, Azure Cognitive Services

Azure Cognitive Services are a set of SDKs and APIs to make your solutions more intelligent. Vision, speech, search, and other intelligent capabilities are available to your solutions with a simple SDK or API call. Yes it is fun to write your own text reignition solution in R or Python, but honestly, this is a powerful solution and a huge (HUGE) time save. In this blog series we will be looking at Bing  Search to retrieve images from the web and Computer Vision to retrieve text from our images. I have written web scrapping solutions in both R and Python, Bing Search (not just images) could very easily minimize the need for custom web scrapping solutions.

Add Bing Search Cognitive Service

Go to the Microsoft Azure Portal and add a new Resource (as some steps were done in Part 1, only unique steps will be address here).

Search for “bing search”.


Select Bing Search and click Create.


Fill out the required fields on the Bing Search Create blade. F0 is the free tier and can be used for examples in this blog series. Touch price to beat for this solution.


We are going to use the Image Search capability and our code “as is” does not make more than 3 calls per second – F0 ($0.00 /1000 Calls) will be fine for this project. As you can see there are some cool features such as Spell Check and Autosuggest.. Possible future blog post material I think..


After filling out the required information and clicking Create, you will have the Bing Search Cognitive Services in your specified resource group ( named differently)


Let’s do the same steps for Computer Vision. Click add Resource, search for Computer Vision.


Enter the required information into the Computer Vision blade, again F0 is a good pricing tier for this solution.


Cognitive Services resources in Resource Group (names will not be the same).


Azure Databricks: Image Search Notebook

In Part 1 we created a cluster, this cluster should be running so we can attach new libraries and a new Notebook to it. If it is not running, please start the cluster now.


We will need to bring in a few libraries to use Cognitive Service in our Notebooks (scikit-images and opencv-python were added in Part 1). With your cluster running go to the main page and click Library under New.


Change the Language to Upload Python Egg or PyPi, then in the PyPi Name type: azure-cognitiveservices-search-imagesearch.

Click Install Library.


Do the same for: azure-cognitiveservices-vision-computervision


View Libraries

By clicking on your running cluster (after navigating to clusters) you can navigate to Libraries to view the loaded libraries.


Please ensure both of the Cognitive Services libraries have a ‘Loaded’ status.

Add a new Notebook

With the cluster running and libraries added we are finally ready to create a new Notebook. Back on the main landing page under New, click Notebook (you can name it what you want).


github icon For your convenience the code below is also available in on GitHub.

First we must bring in the libraries used in this code.

import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import re
from skimage import img_as_ubyte
from skimage.color import rgba2rgb

from import ImageSearchAPI
from import ImageType, ImageAspect, ImageInsightModule
from msrest.authentication import CognitiveServicesCredentials

Let’s stick with PAM from Part 1, as it is a product available on many retailer web sites, it has text on the product, and I enjoy it non-virtually as well (despite my limited cooking abilities).
This code could be replaced with Azure SQL DB, an Azure Databricks managed table, or really anything. I picked something easy to simplify the demonstration.

Images and search sites can be dynamic, here I am using a list and dict; many other options could be used to instead.

products = [{'Name': 'PAM Original 6 OZ', 'File': 'PAM_Original_6_OZ.jpg' }]

sites = ['','']
Back on the Azure Portal you will need to get a key for the call to Bing Search Cognitive Services.
Click on your Bing Search Resource then go to Keys. Copy one of the two available keys then past in the code placeholder ([BingSearchKey]).

Variable used in code: Image Folder and Image Subscription Key

IMAGES_FOLDER = "/dbfs/mnt/images/"


 If you ran this in Part 1 then you can comment or remove; the directory only needs to be created once.

Create Image Directory – only needs to run once

mkdirs "/mnt/images/"
Mounting to blob storage was discussed in Part 1, if you completed Part 1 you could copy the code. This link also provides addition details on loading data from Azure Storage.
dbutils.fs.mount(source = "wasbs://[container]@[storage-account]",mount_point = "/mnt/images/",extra_configs = {"[storage-account]": "[storage-account-key]"})


Retrieve a list of image search results using Cognitive Services Image Search API. Arguments: search query string and subscription key.

def retrieve_images(search,key):
  client = ImageSearchAPI(CognitiveServicesCredentials(key))
    image_results =
    print("Search images for query " + search)
    return image_results
  except Exception as err:
    print("Encountered exception. {}".format(err))
    return null

Return single image from search results – for simplicity bring back first item.

def retrieve_first_img_url(image_results):
  if image_results.value:
    first_image_result = image_results.value[0] #grab first image from search results
    print("Image result count: {}".format(len(image_results.value)))
    url = first_image_result.content_url 
    #remove extra args from url, just grab upto image
    url_clean = re.match(r'.*(png|jpg|jpeg)',url,re.M|re.I).group(0)
    return url_clean

Convert url into OpenCV image – this is important for image comparison using OpenCV

def url_to_image(url): 
    img = io.imread(url) #read url
    img = rgba2rgb(img) #remove alpha
    cv_image =cv2.cvtColor(img_as_ubyte(img), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) #convert from skimage to opencv

    # return the image
    return cv_image

plot function to simplify code – keep code clean and plots looking same

def plot_img(figtitle,subtitle,img1,img2,site):
  fig = plt.figure(figtitle, figsize=(10, 5))
  ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1)
  ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2)

#Use the first product and first site

product = products[0]
site = sites[0]

print("Product: " + product['Name'] + "\nSite: " + site)
Product: PAM Original 6 OZ Site:

Retrieve img1 from blob storage (mounted dir) and img2 from Image Search API

print(product['Name'] + ":" + site)

img1 = IMAGES_FOLDER  + product['File']
orig_img =  cv2.imread(img1)

# query = "site: search product string

image_results = retrieve_images("site: " + site + " " +  product['Name'],IMG_SEARCH_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY)
img2 = retrieve_first_img_url(image_results)
comp_img = url_to_image(img2)

Plot the images, Base image on left the image for site, with site name, on right.

plot_img("Image Compare" + site,"Original Images",cv2.cvtColor(orig_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB),cv2.cvtColor(comp_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB),site)


Unmount the Azure Databricks directory.


In Part 3 we will complete this blog series by implementing the Computer Vision API and retrieving text from our images.

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